Backyard Garden Club

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I Am This Kind of Gardener: Lauresa

I've always been a more "artistic" "creative" person. As a kid I think I got "wow so creative" when I kind of broke the rules or did things differently (haha it wasn’t always positive). My gardens tend to be a bit messy, sporadic and imprecise. I prefer to do a lot of work when I'm in the mood and do as much as I can to make a system that doesn't need consistent attention.

I'm also a mom with three littles. Staying at home with them was the beginning of gardening for me as a creative outlet, but it also limits me in some ways. Typically it's my kids that get me outside. I start looking around and five minutes later I'm knee-deep in weeding or some outside project.

Five minutes later my kids need me.

Fortunately after I get them settled, I can't stop thinking about that project and I find a way to finish it, even if it's after bed time.

I'm trying to have more realistic expectations and shrink my idea of a "project" into something that has a stopping point within an hour or two.

I love working with Mariah and comparing garden notes with her because we really are so different. She's much more precise and consistent (and she definitely gets better results for it!) and we're also just in different life stages.

I love collaborating with her to bring you Black Thumb Garden Club because we know that unique voices make the best club! We want you to have the freedom to be the kind of gardener you want, growing what’s important to you in the way that feels right for you.

I'm this kind of gardener. How about you? What kind of gardener are you, or will you be?